Thursday, November 21, 2019

How diversity and multiculturalism affects my daily life Essay

How diversity and multiculturalism affects my daily life - Essay Example ing unique experiences and characteristics to the work force thus resulting in a diverse work force that is able to accomplish all the tasks effectively (Barni & Extra, 2008). Diversity and multiculturalism affects different facets of my life in the work place. First, it affects my communication ability. Due to a diverse work force, I have to advocate equal respect to the various cultures within the workplace. I have to handle each case differently so as to appear neutral and fair. Sometimes, I am forced to practice correct pronunciation of each of the colleague’s full name for each of them to feel included and not discriminated against. I have to enforce effective communication because different cultures receive information in messages through different ways and lack of effective communication can lead to great challenges (Steinberg, 2009). Diversity and multiculturalism makes me enquire more cultural information about the communities we serve so at to better our interactions with them. My knowledge of the cultural differences as well as my ability to demonstrate respect for those differences has resulted in increased rapport. Secondly, diversity and multiculturalism makes advocate teamwork within the task force. I often encourage fellow Sheriffs to work together for a common cause. It enables me to make a conscious effort in my mind in each situation to treat all people and segment of society fairly and objectively. I usually incorporate elements of inclusion and diversity and strict stance on harassment s well as intolerance for any form of discrimination. I daily advocate a policy of encouraging the maintenance of cultural diversity within the work force. Thirdly, it affects how I treat people. I often direct my effort towards building coalitions with people of different race, class, gender, home language, sexual orientation, and so on. This has helped in providing valuable relationships for collaborative problem-solving as well as feedback. Fourthly, it

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